
Thursday, November 17, 2011


Manaikalani film festival

Last week on Wednesday our class went to the Manaiakalani film festival. The Manaikalani festival was held in Sylvia park. During that day our class was just about to get in the bus so that we will be there on time. When we arrived we walked on the escalator and ended up at the Movie’s.

Then when we arrived we saw different schools like Glen brae and
Tamaki intermediate. Then on the way we were walking the teacher’s were looking for chair’s for us to sit in. Then once we got seated the teacher’s were sorting thing’s out for them self ‘s. During that time the presenters were going to get started for us to see them presenting on stage.

Then when the presenters came out on stage they were showing them self that they could do more work for them self's. And when the movie started we set back and relaxed. The movie that i enjoy the most was Point England school I Smile. Then when it came to the last part of the movie i was so excited that i was going to jump up and down.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tamaki Tech

On Monday Pt England students goes to Tamaki College to do Technology. When there’s tech we always have to split up and go to different classes to do Graphics, Wood,Cooking,Science,Electronics. Every time we go there we learn lots of experiences from different classes we go to.

Every time we go to different classes we learn to do Graphics and more stuff like paper Mache and decorate our names.Some time's we
have to listen to the teacher every time we finish our paper Mache. Then when we finish we have to work on different kind of work have to do .

Then every time we have to get the stuff ready so that we could grub it for us to do our decorations. We made a mask and had to wait until the glue dries. Then when the glue finish drying we had to paper colour it in to more work we had done. Then once we finished doing our work we had to clean up and wash the paint brushes then do the table then finish what we had to do .

Then on our way to school we always walk there then when we got there we had just arrived to school we had to wait for our teacher to let us go.
Before we went to Tamaki College we had to walk or the way down there to try our best in technology and try our best to put more effort in our work.
Because when we get down there those teachers teach us what to do.

When we always try our best we work and work hard as we can so that we could get more points in our report’s so that we could get more and more learning in to it. Then when we finish we could get more learning in to it so that we have showed that we have done more work.